life in general

life as I see it sometimes by Veneta

Introduction to my blog

What is my blog about? A little bit of everything. There are many things I will talk about. I may talk about everything from horses, to birds, to funny street signs, to crazy drivers, to my personal experiences and so on. Again, it could even be about a product that I have recently used.

My experiences may not necessarily be the same as yours and my guess is that it more than likely won’t be. But this does not mean my experiences are wrong nor are your experiences. It just means they are different. For example: we both may stub our toes but the pain threshold may be quite different. You may experience excruiating pain and I would hardly feel anything or vice versa. The stubbing of the toe may be quite different. One of us can stub it harder than the other. Or our threshold for pain is quite different.

Some of my topics may be heartbreaking while others may be funny as all get out. I may write about a dietary issue, cleaning something, or even a project I am working on. Or I could write about something that frustrates me and this is why I entitled my blog: Life in general.

I truly hope if you are struggling with something that I have written about, it will give you a different perspective on things and therefore it can help you with your struggles. But please keep in mind, I am not a flowery writer. So don’t expect me to sugarcoat things. Years ago, I was told over and over again that I am blunt. Is this a good thing or bad thing? I don’t know. Its just who I am.

As I have mentioned, these are my experiences. It does not mean they are right or wrong. They are experiences.

I hope you enjoy my blogs. If they help you, that is a bonus. May your day and days ahead be good days and my you be blessed.

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